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Upcoming procurements

The current phase of PAMP will modernize the Port’s cargo transfer facilities that will efficiently and dependably meet demands for delivery of commodities and support sealift of commercial and military cargo. In addition to the Cargo Terminal 1 Construction Request for Proposals, the following upcoming procurements will also support this current PAMP phase:

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Cargo Terminal 1 Construction Request for Proposals

On January 18, 2024, The Municipality of Anchorage advertised the Request for Proposals (RFP) for Construction Services for Cargo Terminal 1 (T1) Replacement. This RFP process was a two-step bid process and involved first identifying qualified bidders and then awaited response from those bidders. Despite strong commitment from both Mayor LaFrance’s administration and the Anchorage Assembly, we did not receive any bids during the second phase of the bidding process.

We are pleased to share that the Don Young Port of Alaska (Port) has worked with the Municipality of Anchorage to revise the RFP and re-open the bidding process.

The revised RFP is currently advertised. We will negotiate with the firm with the best score. We hope to have a signed contract by April 2025.

This RFP is an entirely new solicitation. Previous submissions will not be considered. This RFP will be a single step solicitation using a combined qualification- and quantitative-based (cost) procurement commonly referred to as Best Value.

This is a project that will support the vitality of Alaska for generations, and we are committed to its success. Awarding a contract for the Cargo Terminal 1 project and continuing to move PAMP forward is a key priority for the Port and Anchorage Mayor LaFrance’s administration. We are excited to continue working constructively with our partners and will work diligently to create an opportunity that is mutually beneficial for contractors, the Municipality, and the people of Anchorage.

What’s changed? We received constructive feedback on the risk profile of the project and contractor rationale for electing not to bid. The goal of reissuing a revised RFP is to better meet contractor concerns regarding the risk profile of the T1 project. We are working to improve the RFP in the following ways:

  1. Relaxing the schedule: Several of the risk concerns raised by the qualified bidders stem from the requirement to commence construction in 2025 and finish in 2028. The revised RFP will outline a Notice to Proceed (NTP) for all work including marine work in 2026, with project completion in 2029.
  2. Updating contract terms: We’ve revised key contract terms to better strike a balance between writing a contract that is attractive to bidders and committing to an acceptable level of risk for the Municipality.
  3. Reissuing as an RFP: Solicitation will be released in the form of a new RFP, allowing for contract negotiation to the team determined to provide the Best Value.

Electrical Substation Design Build Request for Proposals

This procurement is expected to advertise in mid-December.

This design Build project will construct a new electrical substation and underground transmissions lines to power the new T1 and its container cranes. The substation will be located on the Tract J property within the Port of Alaska.

Cargo Terminal 2 Design Request for Proposals

This procurement is to progress the Cargo Terminal 2 (T2) concept design to a preliminary (30%) design. We expect to advertise in early 2025.

The new T2 will be located approximately 140 feet seaward of the existing terminal structures. This seaward location reduces sedimentation issues for the wharves, improves handling of berthing ships, and allows construction of the new terminals while the existing terminals remain in use. Because the replacement terminals will be constructed immediately seaward of the existing structures, the planning, design, and construction must prioritize maintaining the ongoing Port cargo operations.

The design of the new terminal will involve several special engineering and environmental considerations relevant to the specific condition of the Port. These special environmental considerations include high seismicity, unique geological conditions, severe environmental conditions (including severe winds, fast currents, extreme tidal range, and ice), accelerated corrosion, and the presence of a NOAA listed endangered species. Important assumptions will need to be made regarding the influence of these factors during design.

The scope of work for T2 includes design of a 938 feet by 120 feet reinforced concrete wharf structure, shore access over two trestles, terminal fendering and mooring equipment, north-side mooring dolphin with access catwalk and associated mooring appurtenances, power, lighting, communications, water and fire protection, cathodic protection system, soil improvements at the trestle abutments, landside fill with grading and draining elements to support the trestle configuration.

Industry Day Event

Industry Day was held on October 17 and 18, 2023 to provide information to interested contractors for the upcoming T1 project for the Port.

The Port, in partnership with the Municipality of Anchorage, hosted this event to explain the Municipal contracting process; to describe the design and construction features of the project – including elements that are unique to working in Alaska and at the Port; to solicit contractor input prior to the start of the procurement process; to encourage construction companies to network and form teams; to share the benefits of working with the Municipality and the Port; and to get a flavor for what spending a little quality time in Alaska could mean for you and your employees.

The first day of the event was held at The Hotel Captain Cook in Anchorage, AK and included multiple networking sessions, refreshments and presentations from the Municipal Manager Kent Kohlhase, Port Director Steve Ribuffo, and project leads.

The following day offered guided Port tours to get up close to the existing cargo terminal, view the existing conditions, understand the unique challenges of the project, and see completed work at the Petroleum and Cement Terminal.

For those that could not attend in-person, the opening remarks and presentations held on October 17 were offered online.

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Don Young Port of Alaska

2000 Anchorage Port Road
Anchorage, Alaska 99501

For more information or questions about PAMP, please email

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