The Port of Alaska Modernization Program (PAMP) was created in 2014 to provide four new terminals via a phased program comprised of multiple projects.
Safeguarding Alaska’s most critical port for future generations
Port of Alaska is a critical transportation hub for the state of Alaska. Interior Alaskan communities, military facilities, mining operations and rural Native Alaskan villages rely on the Port for consistent access to critical supplies. Food, consumer goods, building materials and cars all pass through the Port. Replacing existing Port facilities is key to ensuring the continued vitality of Alaska and ensures food security for Alaskans.
Transportation hub that handles 75% of Alaska’s inbound cargo.
Drives $14 billion in statewide economic activity annually.
Supplies 90% of Alaskans with life-sustaining necessities.
The foundations of the four terminals that make up Port of Alaska have corroded and begun to split apart. Steel sleeves have been installed to help maintain their functionality, but they have a limited benefit. The original terminals were constructed between the late 1950s and 1970s. Today, engineers estimate that they will begin applying restrictions to Port operations by 2025 – sooner if there is a large earthquake.
The goal of the Port of Alaska Modernization Program is to replace Anchorage’s aging docks and allow the Port to continue its three critical functions:

Serve as Alaska’s key
inbound cargo gateway.

Operate critical national defense infrastructure.

Support the movement of consumer goods,
industrial development,
and disaster recovery.
Safe, reliable and cost-effective Port operations
The program was created in 2014 to replace the four aging terminals and stabilize the failing North Extension, a project partially completed as a part the Port Intermodal Expansion Program in 2009. The program, comprised of multiple projects, will address the deteriorating conditions of the Port’s marine facilities, including corrosion and loss of load-bearing capacity.
Once complete, the program will ensure safe, reliable, and cost-effective Port operations. The first of these terminals, the Petroleum and Cement Terminal (PCT), was completed in the fall of 2022.
Each of the new terminals will be replaced with a similar, more modern terminal designed to last 75 years. They will also accommodate new and larger vessels and adhere to the latest seismic design standards. Because Port of Alaska is critical to transportation, it must remain operational during construction, requiring a carefully planned and phased approach.
Program benefits
The new facilities will have many benefits, including:
Improved operational safety and efficiency.
Accommodations for modern shipping operations.
Improved resiliency to survive extreme seismic events and sustain ongoing cargo operations.
Food security for Alaskans.
Fuel and cement security for Alaskans.
Program funding
PAMP will be funded through a combination of federal and state grants, Port of Alaska funds and a tariff surcharge. At a cost of $1.9 billion, the program is not yet fully funded. Projects cannot begin until funding requirements are met, and delays will likely translate to increased costs.
Projects overview
PAMP is comprised of eight projects. Hover over each project to learn more.
To learn about each of these projects, visit the Projects section.
Program timeline
Below is an overview of the project schedule. All dates are subject to change.
Working in Cook Inlet
Port of Alaska is located in an environment that presents challenges for construction.
Ice floes limit the in-water construction season to just 6 months per year.
With a range of almost 40 feet, the tides in Cook Inlet are the highest in the United States.
The presence of Cook Inlet beluga whales requires special operations and severely restricts design flexibility and construction methods.
Don Young Port of Alaska
2000 Anchorage Port Road
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
For more information or questions about PAMP, please email
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